Author Topic: Minimum Obligation for an Hour  (Read 4613 times)


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Minimum Obligation for an Hour
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2020, 05:21:58 pm »
How to fulfil your obligation for one of the 7 hours of the day, when you don't have access to the books of the offices? Or you're at work? Or some other situation that makes it impossible to say the full office?

{A PDF of this document is attached below}

The Syriac Maronite Book of Direction requires the following conditions be met: (These also apply when praying in general)

  • Have the good intention of accomplishing the obligation of the prayer hour.
  • Turn towards the East.
  • Cross your arms.
  • And say: The Holy are You, O God...;The  Our Father...; Ask for forgiveness and say Psalm 51(50); Say a few psalms that you choose.

Here are some resources, available online, in Syriac and English:

The Prayer Times of the Day of the Syriac Maronites: